Condemnation Is The Voice Of The Enemy

Condemnation is the voice of the enemy. It’s full of lies. It produces self-hatred and every other negative feeling!! When you’re fighting the battle under condemnation, it’s exhausting. No matter how hard you try, you never feel like you hit the mark, and you never will. The enemy stands accusing us 24/7!!! He is constantly and relentlessly telling us we are not good enough! The truth is that apart from our union with Christ, we aren’t good enough- thus, the scripture that our righteousness is as a filthy rag to God. It’s His righteousness that makes us righteousness. You cannot make His righteousness unrighteous, and that’s what you stand in-His righteousness! So, don’t fight the war against condemnation with self-effort. By the way, self-effort looks like this: “Oh God, I’m so sorry! I will not do that again! I will try so much harder! I’m just so sorry!” No! God’s not looking for your best. The only way to win the battle against condemnation is to receive the gift of His unconditional Grace. It’s free to us! It cost Jesus His life. It’s a price He gladly paid to set us free from condemnation and to forever be in union with us.