Mercy And Forgiveness

We have to understand that God does not have an attitude toward anyone for any reason!! He took care of all that on the cross!! An attitude only reveals Unforgiveness and lack of mercy in our hearts. There is no thing a person can do that would justify an attitude. It’s not that people don’t fail us. It’s real. They do. Thus, the need for mercy!! (Giving what they and we don’t deserve.)

Jesus is the only one who will never fail us!! It’s so crazy how the enemy tricks us into having attitudes and unforgiveness in our hearts. He knows what it’s robbing us of!! Unforgiveness is actually a poison that we drink, thinking we are hurting others when we are actually killing ourselves. To be merciful and forgiving may be the sternest instruction that God gives us in scripture. It’s Not stern as in angry at us, but it’s stern as in unforgiveness has some very hard consequences. Scripture says that tormentors will be your companions. They come in the forms of deep regret, anger, sadness, mistrust, frustration, anxiety, and the list goes on and on. You can’t be enjoying and basking in the wonders of His mercy and be full of anger and bitterness (attitude) at the same time. When you genuinely encounter His mercy and Grace, it produces the same in you. The same lavishness that He gives, you find yourself giving as well. He actually calls us to forgive as He does. He forgives freely and fully. It’s as if we never failed!!